Sunday, April 25, 2010

We Are All Fine Here by Mary Guterson

We Are All Fine Here is a tale in which so many women could relate. Julia is a middle-aged women stuck in a job in which she finds no sense of reward or satisfaction. The same could be said about her marriage. Her and her husband Jim have been married for fifteen years and have a teenage son. The struggles of a less than happy marriage and raising a disconnected teenager have begun to take their toll on Juila.

She soon reconnects her romance with a former boyfriend, Ray, in which she has never gotten over. Her daily fantasies of what a life with Ray could be like soon lead to a short affair. Juila finds herself in a dilemma when she becomes pregnant, since she is unsure of the father. She discovers that Ray is the same free-spirit man he was when they were formally together and uninterested in fathering a child. While her husband embraces the pregnancy and their marriage is revived. Julia comes to realize that her life and family are truly wonderful. This change of perspective brings wonderful closure to an otherwise gloomy book.

Why I recommend this book....

While I mentioned earlier this book could be found by some as dismal, immoral, and scattered. It brings a realness to life that many other authors are unable to capture. Guterson has a true understanding of human nature and the realities of life in today's world. It is unlike the sultry mysteries or laugh out loud funny books I've recommended in the past. Although, it does have several humorous parts. I believe that by reading this book you will be adding a little bit of variety to your literary diet.

Happy Reading Everyone!

The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch

The Last Lecture is just what it sounds like. It was the last lecture given by a computer science professor, Randy Pausch. Pausch gave his the Last Lecture as he was dying of cancer at the age of 48. The title of his last lecture was, "Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams".

Most have you have probably either read the book or watched the lecture online. All I can say about this book is, it is by far the most touching and inspirational book I've ever read. After finishing this book I realized not to sweat the little things in life and to have a clear understanding of what it is you want to achieve.

A few of my favorite parts of the book.....

  • Pausch was an avid collector of giant stuffed animals. Yes, the kinds you win at the fair.

  • He painted Pythagoras Thoreum and an elevator on his wall as a kid. The next line was about encouraging parents to let their children be expressive, it'll be okay.

  • He achieved his childhood dreams of being an imaginateer, he met Captin Kirk, and went to space (well kind of).

  • He was published in the Encylopdia Britianaca and says for this reason he knows Wikipedia has to be a credible enough source.

I encourage everyone to read this book. In fact, I encourage you to read it several times over. If not, please access the video. I promise it will be moving!
Happy Reading Everyone!

Stuart Woods

I'd like to introduce you to another one of my favorite authors, Mr. Stuart Woods!

A quick story of how I became familiar with Woods...
One Friday evening, I was setting at home and had finished my last book. Needless to say, there was nothing left in my house I had not read at least twice. While in this dilemma, I spotted an unfamiliar book on the bedside table. My significant other's "man book". I though, ah what the hell? I began reading. To my surprise, by the end of the first chapter I was so caught up in the story that I could not put the book down for days!

Wood's Work....
Woods has a ton of books out there. Forty something total! I will just share with you my favorite series. The STONE BARRINGTON SERIES. Stone Barrington is a sexy, womanizing, sophisticated, worldly, rich man. He is the type of man everyone guy wants to be & the type of man every women wants to meet. Barrington is an attorney for a very prestigious law firm in New York, Woodman & Weld. He's not the type of attorney who works at the office though, he's "of council". Meaning he handles all the bizarre, shady, and downright ridiculous cases the firm would never publicly be associated with. Each new case takes Barrington, and sometimes his partner in crime/best friend New York Police Chief Dino Baccetti, on an exotic adventure. Every Stone Barrington novel takes the reader on a sexy and mysterious ride.

Why I recommend Stuart Woods novels....
These books are quick and easy reads (that's all I read). They are a book you could recommend to anyone male or female. Woods's characters are well developed throughout each of his series. Finally, you will become a life long follower!

Happy Reading Everyone!

The Pleasure of My Company

The Pleasure of My Company is a witty and bizarre tale of a Pasadena man who suffers from obsessive compulsive disorder. Daniel Cambridge's story begins with a paper work error. An error that led to his ineligibly in joining an elite group of genius’s, Mensa. The story contains a sorted group of characters that are regulars in his life. First, the real estate agent whom has several apartments listed across the street. He fantasies regularly of what his future would be life if only he could meet her. His female psychiatrist who visits him twice a week. The neighbor above him who is regularly fighting with her boyfriend and visiting him for emotional comfort. And finally, an employee of rite aid. Right Aid is significant because it is the only place he can walk without having to encounter any street curbs, of which he has a paralyzing fear. The book is so well woven, interconnection all the minute details of his life that it is hard to describe without actually reading it. Either way, though out the story we watch Daniel begin as a man who is unable to connect with the outside world, evolve into a person who achieves the ultimate happiness in his personal life.

I’ve saved the best for last. If my previous description did not capture your attention and make you want to rush out and buy the book, this will. The author of this book is none other than the famous comedian Steve Martin. I was shocked when reading the book that Martin had such a knack for writing. While the book is humorous and touching at the same time; I found it hard to believe that Martin was the author. Also worthy of mention, the book was on the New York Times Best Sellers list. If you are looking for an entertaining quick read, this book would be great for you.

Interested in more information or other books by Martin? Access the link below!

Sunday, February 21, 2010


Welcome to Burke’s Books! I am beginning a fascinating blog about my favorite books. Also, be looking for reviews of my favorite authors. If you want easy reads with mystery, adventure, or humor you’re in the right place!

To kick off my entries, I would like to introduce you to my favorite author, DAVID SEDARIS! He often has guest spots on the popular radio show This American Life and has completed seven books to date. I recently had the opportunity to see him on tour. I would compare his read aloud’s to watching a stand up comedian. His humor in literature is absolutely unmatched. All his books are compilations of story essays. This provides easy reading for everyone. I have given several of his books to friends who do not like to read for pleasure, and amazingly they loved it!

While I am a fan of all of Sedaris’s work, my favorite is Me Talk Pretty One Day. He writes from a first person perspective and all his stories are exaggerations of his own life experiences. My personal favorite essay from this book is Picka Pocketoni. Sedaris boards the metro, in his now home of Italy, and describes the events that incur from eaves dropping of an American couple on vacation. The Americans, unaware that David speaks English, proceed to loudly discuss how he is a pick pocket. They also comment on his disgusting body odor by saying, “That’s pure French baby.” Unfortunately, I cannot find the appropriate words to bring justice to the humor of this story.

I would consider of all Sedaris’s books a must-read. If you’re interested in purchasing one of his works, they are available at all major book retailers. Happy reading everyone!

David Sedaris